
We can
address We can help
critical human

ple partnering

 help organization ssuccessfully

their critical human capital issues. organization
address their
capital issues.

Services that we provide:

  1. On-boarding
    Ensure that each newcomer is well integrated in the team and has built effective cooperation within the company, understands and accepts the work specifics and team culture, sharing the core corporate values
    Onboarding value
    1. Effective onboarding reduces attrition by 33% within the first 6 mounth
    2. Onboarding helps Newbies form bonds within the Company at a higher and faster rate!
    Commitment to the Company
    Newbies who felt their onboarding was highly effective were 18 times more likely to feel highly committed to their company
    Connectedness at work
    91% of those who received effective onboarding feel strong connectedness at work, compared to only 29% of those who had ineffective onboarding
    Culture integration
    89%of those who received effective onboarding felt strongly integrated into their culture, compared to 59% of those received ineffective onboarding
  2. Retention
    2 weeks

    1x1 meeting with employees

    4 weeks


    5 weeks

    follow-up meeting with employees

    6 weeks

    Creation of summary report

    7 weeks

    e-mail: Probation Period end

    10 weeks

    e-mail: reminder about Probation Period end

    12 weeks

    e-mail: reminder about Probation Period end

  3. Learning and Development
    Develop and enhance the key corporate competencies by implementing the principles of continuous Self-Learning Organization.
    Ensure amoloyee has capabilities they need to succeed in workday & in future
    Needs & Gaps analysis: technical and behavioral aspects (competencies) and well being
    Development Plan Company Goals. Job, learving, shadowing, reading, elearnings, making study, providing, lecture, attending to training class etc.
  4. Performance Management
  5. Exit process support
    Leave notification

    Leave notification by employee / company initiative

    1-2 days after notification

    Before official notification

    2-5 days after Employee’s notification

    Official notification about Exit Conditions

    1 day after official notification

    Official notification about Exit Conditions

    Last employee’s working day

    Exit Checklist signing Meeting

    1-2 days after employee’s dismissal

    Ex- employee date managment

Instruments that we use:

  1. Organizational diagnostics
  2. Evidence-based decision making process
  3. Engagement Survey
  4. Labour market survey
  5. Personal Profile Assessment (PPA)
  6. Competency based assessment and Personal Development Planning
  7. Performance assessment and KPI’s based compensation
  8. People Management automation

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